Cancer Research UK Free Will Service

Cancer Research UK Free Will Service

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Cancer Research UK Free Will Service

Cancer Research UK will allow you to write or update a simple basic Will or simple basic mirror Will for free or contribute towards a complex Will. This includes will registration with Certainty, electronic will production and ID verification.

GloverPriest Solicitors is supporting Cancer Research UK Free Will Service

Cancer Research UK will allow you to write or update a simple basic Will or simple basic mirror Will for free or contribute towards a complex Will. Most people who use the service leave a gift to Cancer Research UK. Your support will help beat cancer for future generations.

The Free Will Service helps people aged over 18 to write or update their will free of charge. It also gives guidance for people considering leaving a legacy gift to Cancer Research UK. The service is now being provided at GloverPriest Solicitors where trained Solicitors and Accredited Paralegals will be able to offer support to people living in Birmingham, Staffordshire and Northamptonshire and assist with drafting a will.

Cancer Research UK receives no government funding for its research and relies heavily on the generosity of people leaving gifts in their wills. Over a third of its research into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer is funded through supporters leaving a legacy to the charity.

A legacy gift can be anything someone wishes to leave in their will. Traditionally this is money but it could be anything that has a monetary value like an estate or specific item. Anything that is left to Cancer Research UK can be marked to be ring-fenced for research into a specific cancer type or research within a local area.

Cancer survival in the UK has doubled since the early 1970s and Cancer Research UK’s work has been at the heart of that progress.

Every step taken by its doctors, nurses and scientists relies on donations from the public and the kindness of supporters who choose to leave a gift in their will.

The Free Will Service has been running successfully for over 20 years across a network of Solicitors in the UK. Anyone who wishes to use the service is asked to consider leaving a legacy gift to Cancer Research UK but under no obligation to do so.

GloverPriest Solicitors look forward to offering the Free Will Service to help the people in Birmingham, Staffordshire and Northamptonshire and working with Cancer Research UK to help beat cancer sooner.

For more information about leaving a legacy gift and Cancer Research UK’s free will service, visit or call GloverPriest Solicitors on 0121 794 5814.


Cancer Research UK


What is a Simple/Basic Will?

If you don't expect to leave assets valuable enough to be subject to estate taxes, a basic simple Will could be right for you.

An example of a Simple Will: 

Joint mirror Will – this applies where you and your spouse or partner wish to make identical Wills leaving everything  to each other outright and if you both pass away then everything outright to your children or named beneficiaries up to a maximum of 4 people. 
Single Will – this applies where you want to leave everything outright to your children or named beneficiaries up to a maximum of 4 people.

A basic Will does not cover inheritance tax planning advice so if you have assets more than £325,000 (for an individual) or £650,000 (for a married couple) it is not covered under a basic Will. Furthermore if you intend to make a Will where there could be a potential argument in the future e.g. parent leaving a child or person who has been financially dependent on the client out of the Will then this will NOT be covered under a basic Will.

Any specific gifts such as money legacies of items to be left to specific people would incur a small supplemental fee.

What are the benefits of having a Will?

Certainty – The death of a loved one can be one of the most distressing times anyone can experience. Making a will shows that you have thought about who should inherit your assets which will go a long way in avoiding disputes among the people you care about.
Avoid disputes – Protect your assets for the future generations. We can help you with inheritance tax and estate planning to ensure as far as possible that the assets you have worked hard for are preserved.
Protection – Appointing Executors shows that you have considered carefully who should administer your estate and any ongoing trusts. Furthermore, after your death they have legal right to handle your assets to a large degree. If you do not leave a will your next of kin have no powers at all until they apply to court for the grant of representation.
Families – You may be married a second time and have children from your first marriage. We can help you to provide for your second spouse but ensure your assets move on to your children ultimately.
Guardians – If you have minor children you will want to ensure your children live with people you trust and who will bring up your children in the way you would wish.
Foreign Property – If you own property in a European Union country there has been a significant change to the European Regulations which may affect how your property passes on death.


Why you'd need more than a simple will?

If any of the following apply to you, you’ll need to talk with one of our Solicitors about a complex Will, even if you’re young and don’t have a lot of money. Cancer Research UK will pay £100 plus VAT towards a complex single Will or £150 plus VAT towards a joint complex Will :

The benefits of using a solicitor for your will

You’re protected if something goes wrong. As a Solicitor we are regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) and members of The Law Society. If you have any problems you can make contact with us or the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

You can be more confident there are no mistakes as a regulated Law Firm we only have qualified staff working with you. Common problems with wills, like using the wrong witnesses or forgetting to have it signed, could mean it’s not valid when you die. Using a solicitor should minimise the risk of things like this happening.

We ensure the complicated bits are done for you. The law surrounding inheritances (including Inheritance Tax and trusts) is complicated. Our Solicitors are familiar with the law and will be able to help you make the most effective choices.

Your will is stored safely and registered in our own deeds system and with the national organisation; Certainty, who are approved by the Law Society. When we help you write your will, we store the original for you in a fireproof safe free of charge and register the Will with the National Will Register.

Who are executors in a will?

Executors are the people who will be responsible for carrying out your wishes and for sorting out the estate.

They will have to collect together all the assets of the estate, deal with all the paperwork and pay all the debts, taxes, funeral and administration costs out of money in the estate.

They will need to pay out the gifts and transfer any property to beneficiaries.

Who to choose as executors?

It is not necessary to appoint more than 1 executor although it is advisable to do so - for example, in case one of them dies.

The people most commonly appointed as executors are:

By using GloverPriest as Executor you can rest assured we will take full responsibility for dealing with your affairs after you die. All the legal, tax (excluding VAT) and Estate administration duties will be taken care of, as well as the sale of any property you have in your Estate.

When do I need to review my will?

We recommend you review your will when your personal situation changes e.g.:


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