Professional Negligence

Professional Negligence

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Professional Negligence Solicitors

To succeed in a professional negligence claim, you need to show three things: that the professional owed you a duty of care, that they failed in that duty, and that this failure directly caused your loss.

Professional Negligence Solicitors

To succeed in a professional negligence claim, you need to show three things: that the professional owed you a duty of care, that they failed in that duty, and that this failure directly caused your loss. This forms the basis for determining if a professional can be held responsible for their actions or inactions.

What is professional negligence UK?

Professional negligence happens when a trusted expert or professional doesn't meet the expected standards or breaks their duty of care, causing problems like financial loss or physical harm to their client. 

This type of negligence can occur in various fields like technology or management consulting, the medical industry and surveying. Professional negligence cases are important for maintaining honesty and responsibility in different industries, making sure professionals stick to the standards of care they're supposed to follow.

How do you prove professional negligence?

To establish a successful professional negligence claim, several key elements must be proven by the claimant. There needs to be concrete evidence demonstrating that the services provided by the professional did not meet the established standards of their profession, ultimately causing harm or negative outcomes for the client. 

To prove professional negligence, you must show three things. First, there has to be a duty of care between the professional and the person making the claim. This duty is clear in relationships like doctor-patient, teacher-student or financial advisor-client. If there's no clear duty, the court uses the "Caparo" test, which looks at the foreseeability of harm, the closeness of the relationship, and whether it's fair to impose a duty of care.

After this, you need to prove the professional didn't meet the expected standard of care. This means showing their actions or lack of action fell below what a reasonably competent person in their profession would do.

Finally, you must connect the breach of duty to a loss. The "but for" test is used here, meaning you have to demonstrate that, without the professional's negligence, the loss wouldn't have happened.

How can GloverPriest help?

Our expert solicitors specialise in understanding the legal aspects of professional negligence claims. They can assess the situation, identify potential breaches of duty, and determine the merit of the claim. In some cases, we may recommend alternative dispute resolution methods, such as mediation or arbitration, to resolve the matter more amicably and cost-effectively.

We can consult and engage expert witnesses to provide professional opinions that support your case, helping to strengthen the overall argument. Throughout the process, we provide legal advice to our clients, explaining your rights, potential outcomes, and the best course of action to pursue. 

Contact our professional negligence solicitors

At GloverPriest, we provide friendly and transparent advice. If you would like further advice on professional negligence matters, please don’t hesitate to speak to one of our expert solicitors today. Complete our enquiry form


Frequently Asked Questions

What are the consequences of professional negligence?

When a professional is deemed negligent, the consequences vary based on the nature of the negligence. Potential outcomes include reputational harm, possible removal from professional status, scrutiny from regulatory bodies, and the obligation to compensate for incurred losses. In instances where the negligence escalates to a criminal matter, the professional may undergo an investigation by law enforcement.

Can I get compensation for professional negligence?

Yes, you may be able to claim compensation for professional negligence if there is solid proof indicating that the services provided by the professional fell short of the recognised standards in their field, leading to harm to the client.


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