Shareholder Disputes

Shareholder Disputes

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Shareholder Dispute Solicitors

Shareholder disputes often revolve around personal conflicts, breaches of agreements, unfair financial practices, and the unequal distribution of information and decision-making power.

Shareholder Dispute Solicitors

Shareholder disputes often revolve around personal conflicts, breaches of agreements, unfair financial practices, and the unequal distribution of information and decision-making power. In shareholder disputes, having a solicitor who specialises in corporate and commercial law can help to protect the interests of other shareholders and the company as a whole.

What is an example of a shareholder dispute?

One common trigger of shareholder disputes is when there are interpersonal conflicts among shareholders such as family members getting involved in business matters. Disputes could also come from directors acting in breach of established agreements. The shareholder agreement and Articles of Association typically outline director behaviour, and any deviation from these terms can fuel disputes among directors. 

Another example is unfair payment policies where disparities in compensation without valid justification can lead to disputes or where minority shareholders are not properly updated on company affairs. For instance, decisions that affect their interests, such as staff dismissals, can result in an abuse of power by majority shareholders and trigger disputes within the company. 

How do you resolve shareholder disputes?

Each shareholder dispute can be resolved in its own way depending on the circumstances.

Some good tools to use include mediation and negotiation where a neutral third party facilitates discussions, helping shareholders find common ground. Arbitration, a more formal alternative, provides a binding or non-binding decision by an arbitrator, which can help to streamline the resolution process.

When all else fails, some disputes lead to litigation, a route that, while often lengthy and expensive, offers a formal legal resolution. However, it's generally advisable to exhaust alternative methods first.

How do you avoid shareholder disputes?

You can avoid shareholder disputes by having well-drafted shareholder agreements which can prevent disputes by explicitly outlining roles, responsibilities, and rights. These agreements should include robust provisions for dispute resolution, incorporating detailed deadlock provisions.

How does a solicitor assist with shareholder disputes?

Solicitors can provide legal advice on shareholders' rights and responsibilities, assessing dispute merits and clarifying legal positions based on company documents and relevant laws. 

Solicitors can engage in negotiation and mediation processes on your behalf, helping to facilitate resolutions without litigation. They advise on corporate governance, including directors' fiduciary duties, and guide shareholders in addressing conflicts of interest. 

If negotiations fail, solicitors can initiate legal proceedings, representing shareholders in court and enforcing their legal rights, including seeking remedies such as injunctive relief or damages. A commercial solicitor can contribute to conflict resolution strategies to manage and prevent future disputes within the company.

How can GloverPriest help?

Solving problems between shareholders needs a careful plan, using laws, clear agreements, and other ways to settle disagreements. This helps keep the business strong and relationships between stakeholders intact.

Our lawyers, who specialise in shareholder disputes, have lots of experience resolving various shareholder issues. The reality is that each business brings its own unique challenges and conflicts, so we work to solve problems efficiently and quickly, doing what is best for your company.

Contact our shareholder dispute solicitors

At GloverPriest, we provide friendly and transparent legal advice. If you would like further advice on shareholder dispute matters, please don’t hesitate to speak to one of our expert contract solicitors today. Complete our enquiry form.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is a shareholder conflict?

Shareholder conflict can come about when shareholders within a company do not agree on things like how company assets should be used, important business decisions, strategy choices or conflicts of interest.

What happens when shareholders disagree?

If shareholders disagree, the first port of call is to look at the company articles of association which should outline how shareholders resolve disagreements. It is a good idea to get legal advice if a dispute arises, as you don’t want to cause any more conflict and potentially jeopardise the business's success.

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